Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Indian Government’s point of view about child labour:
Poor children in India begin working at a very young age. Many children have to work to help their families and some families expect their children to continue the family business at a young age. India has all along followed a proactive policy in the matter of tackling the problem of child labour. India has always stood for constitutional, statutory and developmental measures that are required to eliminate child labour in India. Indian Constitution consciously incorporated relevant provisions in the Constitution to secure compulsory universal elementary education as well as labour protection for children.Though most children begin working at a young age due to economic reasons, doing so allows them to break from some social constraints. India's policy on child labour has evolved over the years against this backdrop. The present regime of laws relating to Child Labour in India have a pragmatic foundation and are consistent with the International Labour Conference resolution of 1979.The policy of the government is to ban employment of children below the age of fourteen years in factories, mines and hazardous employment and to regulate the working conditions of children in other employment. The Child Labour(Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 seeks to achieve this basic objective. The government has made efforts to prohibit child labour by enacting Child labour laws in India including the 1986 Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act that stated that children under fourteen years of age could not be employed in hazardous occupations.
Human Rights organization’s point of view about child labour:
The Human Rights organization feels that child labour should not exist .They feel that is against our human rights although they are just children.The children have the rights to decide what they want to do and not forced to work at such a young age.The Human Rights organization have already taken action against child labour.They have been persuading the public not to buy certain brands of goods as they are promoting child labour such as the NIKE shoe brand.
My point of view about child labour:
I think that child labour should not exist as it is very cruel to children.It is also against human rights.We have the rights to choose what we want to do.Most of the children in India begin to work at the age of 0 -12 years old .The reasons are mainly because their families are poverty-stricken and they have lots of siblings to take care of just like Lila and Hari in the book called ‘village by the sea’ where their mother is sick and their father always in a drunk state,thus,their parents are not able to support the family and they will need to survive on their own.In conclusion,I think that child labour should not exist in the whole world.


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